Events & Projects


Omukwu Day 2024

Program of event for upcoming Omukwu Day on 30/12/2023

Events include the following;

  1. 12 numbers of tertiary education scholarships to Omukwu students.
  2. Soccer competitions for youths (boys and girls) amongst the six kindreds
  3. In Entertainment; competition of cultural dances by men and women groups from the six kindreds. Nwogbom, Ngba and Ekpe will feature.
  4. Food festival in various traditional menus, recipes and special local palm wine.
  5. 2023 Omukwu Day brochure that will contain a compendium of the history of each kindred in Omukwu.
  6. Launching of the proposed Omukwu Civic Center

Omukwu Day Celebration 2019


Proposed Omukwu Civic Centre

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